Hello everybody! Thank you to everybody who has been keeping a look out at my music throughout this difficult time. At the beginning of 2023, I went through a pretty difficult time. My uncle, cousin, aunt, great grandmother, and history teacher passed away all within the span of 4 months. To make matters worse, my girlfriend broke up with me in February, and everyday I would have to go to school and see her hanging out with another guy. To make matters even worse, On March 11th, I got a speeding ticket, tried to celebrate my birthday on the 12th, and then on the 13th, I was in a car accident and I got the ticket again. Eventually toward the end of March, I got back together with my girlfriend and the tickets were sorted out. 2023 was one of the most painful years of my life, and I cheered and applauded the new year. On January 2nd of 2024, my girlfriend broke up with me again. While I was still home for Christmas break, I would not get out of bed. I had just bought myself an Xbox Series X, and I would lay in bed and play videogames all day. When I did move back into the dorms, I had trouble waking up in the morning. Since then I've picked myself back up. My girlfriend and I decided to get back together. My College Chronicles album was originally going to be an album where I would write music about college stress to relieve my stress. After multiple nights of looking at the window in my dorm and wondering if I should try to jump out, I decided to start writing music to help let out my feelings. All of the songs featured in The College Chronicles are very important to me. Those aren't songs, those are my feelings captured into 4 minute melodies. Thank you for listening to them if you have and have a great rest of your day. I don't know what the future holds in terms of albums, but I will be finishing the College Chronicles.