Dear listeners,
I am almost fully recovered from the car accident I was involved in. The only injury I sustained in the crash was my right eye hit the airbag and started bleeding. Not to worry. My right eye is finally in perfect working order. Mentally I have yet t recover. Currently I have the first song of my next album finished but it will not release until the album does. Thank you for sticking by me, and good luck with my clues.
Below are a few pictures of the truck that was totalled.
Jesus Christ, you're lucky to be alive.
Also here's a couple of tips on how to mentally recover. Think about destroying the car that hit you even smash something up for catharsis. Trust me even if the driver is nice and apologetic, you'll feel a lot better at least with the thought of the other car being in worse shape.
The other is, in a safe environment of course, recreate the trauma you felt when it happened and keep periodically exposing yourself to it until you feel numb.
Other than that, good to know you're alive and well.
I don't think I'll be doing either, but thank you. I thought I saw a baby in the backseat of the other car right before the collision, so I don't think imagining the other car being worse will help at all, and my mental trauma isn't necessarily from the accident itself, but it's because I feel guilty for crashing my family truck, and hitting an innocent car. I also feel really guilty that I had to go to the ER and my parents have to pay an ER bill.